What Does Cleaning Out Deceased House Involve?

cleaning out deceased house

Dealing with the property of your loved one after his death can really be an emotionally tough task. Not only will it make you remember every memory attached to the things and your loved one, but you will also need to declutter and organise the smallest of the thing in the property. So, to make the process of the deceased estate clean up easier, here’s a brief guide that will help you with the cleaning task in a better way.

  • Change the locks

The very first step in cleaning out the deceased house is securing the property. You may have no idea how many people have the keys to this house. Rather than collecting from each one of them, it is better to simply change the locks. This will increase the security of the house while you are away.

  • Search for financial and legal papers

Look for all the important financial documents, including the money at every nook and corner of the property. This can be anything from an insurance policy, will, bank and brokerage account statements, bill receipts or even stocks and bonds. Accordingly, carry out the needful to ensure that all the legal work is done and kept up-to-date.

  • Sort personal belongings

This may be one of the most emotional tasks. Sort the items and identify the ones that you want to keep, donate, sell or throw away. This will de-clutter your property and also help you to organise the important things of your loved one. Hence, though it may be a tough task to execute, it is always recommended to sort the personal belongings of your loved one at its earliest.

  • Prepare the house for sale

Be it the furniture, wall hanging, floor covering, window coverings, walls, ceiling – clear out the personal effects from there and bring the property to a market-ready condition.

If you think you will not be able to take the hassle of deceased estate clean up, don’t worry, and simply call up the Deceased Estate Property Services. We are the professionals having years of experience in clearing up the deceased estates. We carry out a comprehensive cleaning including removal of rubbish, carrying out repairs, garden maintenance, enhance the property for sale, organising furniture stage for the property to increase saleability and much more.

We will sort out the belongings, identify the items that may be of sentimental value, dispose of the unwanted rubbish, donate the unnecessary items to charity or sell them, cleaning and getting your homes back to the ideal condition and even repairing the structural damage if any.

In short, handing over the process of cleaning out the deceased house to us will be totally a hassle-free affair. This will allow you to focus on other important things while being a support system for the rest of your family.

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